In love with Windows 7
Since I’ve been without my main Machine (My Quad Core) I’ve had to go back to an older machine my Dual Core and on this machine I’ve had Windows 7 installed. From booting into windows new OS I’ve noticed that it’s not only as sexy as I’ve been told but the way that I’ve experienced it has made me feel bad about going back to Windows Vista.
I’ve got a Dual Core (1.8 GHz) with 2GB of RAM, and the computer isn’t lagging like it did with Vista on it, it’s had no crashed or random explorer errors like I know we’ve all had with Vista. I have to say this is just a great OS all round. I did find some things that where at fault but those errors are only found in betas.
I’ve also fallen in love with W7’s super bar, now not only can I see ALL of the windows and programs I’ve got open but now I can group them all up and close them by simply mousing over the live preview and pressing down the scroll button, it saves me so much time and I can get from program to program so fast. I’ve tried to find a program for Vista but seeing I haven't been on a computer with Vista on it to see if it works I don’t know if I’ve found it yet (subscribe to me so when I do you’ll get the blog post about it)
I love Aero Snap, With this Multitasking has become somewhat of a joke, I’ve got a 22” screen and to use more than one program all I have to do it get two windows opened and “snap” them into place next to each other and away I go, it’s also good when I’m talking to people on MSN and I’ve got Firefox opened I can now use them both without being disturbed.
I also love Aero Shake, it’s my favourite thing in W7 besides the Super Bar but not because of anything that could make my experience better or more efficient it’s just so cool! and that’s exactly what I like about it.Thanks for reading.
By Matthew Willison
Quad Core Dilemma
I’ve had a quad core for a while now. I bought it in 2008 less than a week after Christmas and two days ago for some reason the computer started to shut down for no reason at all. I didn’t know how to explain it I would be working and it would just shut down. I had just installed a new fan on the system but when me and a friend opened it up it turned out that the fan was not the culprit.
After a day after that I went into the machine and looked around I saw nothing and I mean nothing to lead to me finding what was wrong with the machine. So I called up the place I got it from and sure enough Luke Chen from Treasure PC knew what could be wrong with it. He asked me to email him about my problem and come down to the next swap meet so he could fix it.
Now I’m on my old Dual Core that I was going to sell soon after I bought my Quad Core (thank god I didn’t) I’ve got windows 7 running and I have to say I’m not only impressed but I’m not looking forward to the downgrade from a BETA of windows 7 to Vista Ultimate. It feel so finished and the super bar in W7 has made all my time on this computer much more easily managed.
I’ll keep you posted on the situation, and I recommend Luke Chen’s Treasure PC for buying a PC. It’s gone well for everything I’ve ever gotten off him and now that I’ve got a problem he’s dealing with it wonderfully.
Have a good one all!
By Matthew Willison
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